Schlechte Nachricht von SETI

January 2, 2007 – 18:30 UTC
Happy new year ! It’s been a hec­tic holi­day season.
The air con­di­tio­ner in our ser­ver clo­set fai­led a few weeks ago. The tem­pe­ra­tures of all the sys­tems imme­dia­tely rose about 10 degrees (Celsius).

Of course, this hap­pened over a weekend, and the hig­her tem­pe­ra­ture values were just below war­ning thres­holds so we did­n’t get alert e‑mails, etc. The fail­ure was cau­sed by the unu­sual low tem­pe­ra­tures around the Bay. Pipes froze and the air con­di­tio­ner shut its­elf off in self-defense. We thought this was just a fluke, but a few days later it fai­led again. A leak in one of the pipes was dis­co­vered and fixed. We adjus­ted our alert system.
We had to reboot our upload ser­ver a cou­ple times during the holi­days. It ran­domly loses important mounts – a pro­blem that was more chro­nic before SETI@home Enhanced was released (which vastly redu­ced the entire load on our ser­ver backend). With increased users and fas­ter com­pu­ters this is beco­ming a pro­blem again. We’re brain­stor­ming about why this is hap­pe­ning and how to fix it.

The pro­blems we’ve been having with slow queries to the result table were infre­quent and tem­po­rary, but during the last few days it seems to have finally went „over the edge.“ We tried redu­cing load by remo­ving ser­vices, restart­ing ser­vers and reboot­ing MySQL to no avail. We’re doing a table check now (during the usual weekly data­base backup outage). Perhaps we have a bro­ken index. More to come as we find out what’s up.

Mit ande­ren Worten : ?Nichts geht mehr!?
Schlechte Nachricht f?r das SETI-Team und alle, die f?r SETI aktiv sind (Hoddel).
Infos zum Stand der Dinge gibt es bei den Technical News von SETI.

Ein Gedanke zu „Schlechte Nachricht von SETI“

  1. Gute Nachricht zu SETI : „Transfer ist wie­der möglich“!
    So jeden­falls nach mei­ner Beobachtung, hier seit ca. 01:00 Uhr 😉

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